Thursday, August 21, 2008

Weapon Respawn Times and Tactics

One of the most important factors in Halo 3 MLG games is the controlling of power weapons. To have the advantage in holding these weapons, you need to be able to know when they spawn, and how to use them succesfully.

In MLG, the custom powerup/overshield and the active camo both spawn exactly 2 minutes after they are picked up, making it very important for you to communicate with your teamates as soon as they are used.
Custom/Overshield:One important tip to remember for players new to MLG is that you can only pick up the Overshield if you are full shield or if your shield is recharging, otherwise you will just have drained it. When you pick up the Overshield, it is important for you to make a push, usually through training, and put shots on everyone you see.
Edit:In MLG's new v6 settings, the OS is now on Construct and spawns starting at 13:00 on the game clock and comes back every 2 minutes.
Active Camo:When you have camo on Guardian, you need to rush wherever the other team is set up. This is usually snipe tower if you spawned bottom blue. With camo, tell yourself never to shoot, but instead go for beatdowns and assasinations. I recommend shooting whenever there is another player weak and taking shots, jus do not put shots in if you are in the open, like top mid, where you don't have a way to escape;

The rockets spawn every 3 minutes in the game, based on the game clock which all weapon spawns follow, unlike the powerups. This is a priorty to time because it is very effective in making pushes, especially on the Pit and Narrows.
The Pit:You can reach rockets in the beginning break of each game by making the shortcut jump around green box, or by jumping twice onto the stairs. As soon as you get to your green entrance, throw both your nades into the hallway, either bouncing them off the way or straight into their green box, and them clean up anyone you see. The safe way of using rockets is by taking them back to your second BR, and crouch jumping on the yellow wall, allowing you to watch long hallway and green hallway entrance. This allows one teamate to watch your training/mid bridge, while the other two players push foward, hopefully with overshield.
If you want to play agressively, you can rush to their green box and kill the people that spawn shotgun toward long hallway, the opponents on the platform, and players at their training. Beware that you will be easy to team shot if you are surrounded leaving green hallway.
Narrows:When you pick up rockets and are going towards their snipe, watch both pockets for an easy rocket kill, and after that you can choose to bring them up top and into your opponents base, but only if your team controls top mid, or you can go the sneaking way and into the opposing teams flag or lift, this is very succesful in killing the other team at their spawn, if you dont see anyone, then taking it into their stage or attic can result in a couple of easy kills and help your team top mid.
Construct:When you lift up one of the lifts in the beginning, walk toward either closed street or open street, where you can make the jump towards rockets and put shots on anyone else rushing rockets. If you get rockets then you should take it into the lobby and into one of the purple lifts, where it is less likely that you will get team shot. In hill games on Construct, the rocket is very useful in clearing the hill, just drop onto bottom rockets and walk onto the edge of the platform, where you can target anyone under you.

Specific Power Weapon Tactics

The sniper spawns every 2 1/2 minutes, making it harder to time, but is one of the most powerful weapons for map control because it can limit the opposing teams movement in the hands of a good sniper. Using the sniper is similar on all maps, but positioning yourself is most important. Areas of high elevation are helpful, like the snipe towers on Guardian and the Pit, or the attics on Narrows. Also, places where you can watch the whole map are very important. These include S3 on Guardian and Sword room on the Pit and Construct. Just be sure to watch your back at all times, or you will just give someone an easy assasination. If the game is objective, then you should understand where the other team will be going most often. If you do not see anyone immediately by an objective, then line up your reticule where you think the other teams heads will be as they come.

The mauler spawns every 2 minutes in the game, but it is not recommended to time this weapon as it is not very effective except on Guardian.
Guardian:take the mauler towards Snipe tower, where it is most useful. There you can watch the whole tower, just make sure you are not visible to people by staying around corners. Then you can ambush players rushing in.

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