Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Controller Settings

Before you start logging in thousands of hours of MLG, you need to discover your perfect controller settings. This can take a couple hours or even days to adjust. First of all, you need to find your preferred button layout. Currently, the most popular (in MLG) by a little is Bumper Jumper, followed closely by Default. There are also a few pros using Walkie Talkie and Boxer. Bumper Jumper, which makes the melee button right bumper and jump left bumper, has seen an inlux in people using it because it offers many advantages with the least ammount of disadvantages. 

Here are the pros and cons of Bumper Jumper:

-You can jump and melee while looking around, which is a huge advantage at close range

-It takes a while to get used to, and your melees will suffer
-You might begin to "overjump"

-Basically, the pros heavily outweigh the cons, and switching to Bumper Jumper, which I use, is a great investment.

The second most popular layout, Default, is mainly used by people who find it hard to switch from too much Halo 1 and 2 and prefer jumping with the A button. The ones who want to switch often find themselves using Walkie-Talkie and Boxer, both of which keep the jumping button in place.

The other, equally as important aspect of your controller settings is sensitivity. If you have ever played a Custom game in Halo, you have probably heard someone say," I'm going to try a lower/higher sensitivity." This is because everyone has a different preference. Personally I use 3 because it is both smooth and is fast enough to maneuver with in close range combat. Here are some tips on whether to use a higher or lower sensitivity.

For higher: You can turn around easily and put in shots on people faster. You also have an advantage in close range, melee battles. 

For lower: Your Battle Rifle aiming is significantly steadier, and you play a little more consistently.

After you make up your mind on these two settings, you still have some small options on stick layout, crouching, inverted, etc. I suggest you keep all these at default because they either have a huge or small impact on your gameplay.

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